Law nº. 14/24, of September 5 - Political-Administrative Division Law, establishes the new political-administrative division of Angola, which came into force on the date of its publication and repealed Law nº. 18/16, of October 17. According to this law, the Republic of Angola is now made up of 21 provinces, 326 municipalities and 378 communes. From this division, 3 new provinces have been added, namely Icolo e Bengo, Moxico Leste and Cuando; the latter two as a result of the division of the provinces of Moxico and Cuando Cubango, respectively.
Law nº. 15/24, of September 10 - Approves the National Security Law, which came into force on the date of its publication and repealed Law nº. 12/02, of August 16. This law redefines the National Security System, which is now made up of sectors, institutions and services of the Public Administration that contribute to the formulation and implementation of the National Security Policy and Strategy, the institutions being the Angolan Armed Forces and the National Police and their bodies the President of the Republic and the National Security Council. It should be noted that, as in the previous law, the National Security Council continues to be the body that consults the President of the Republic on matters relating to the conduct of national security policy and strategy.
Resolution nº. 103/24, of September 11 - Approves, for ratification, the accession of the Republic of Angola to Convention nº. 122 on Employment Policy, which entered into force on the date of its publication. According to this Convention, each Member State shall declare and implement, as an essential objective, an active policy aimed at promoting full, productive and freely chosen employment. The above-mentioned policy should guarantee (i) that there will be work for all those available and seeking employment, (ii) that the work will be as productive as possible and (iii) that there will be free choice of employment, with the worker having the possibility of acquiring the necessary qualifications to take up a job that suits him.
Resolution nº. 104/24, of September 11 - Approves, for ratification, the accession of the Republic of Angola to Convention nº. 155 on Safety and Health at Work. According to the Convention, each Member State, in the light of national conditions and practice and in consultation with employers' and workers' organizations, shall define, implement and periodically review a coherent national policy on safety, workers' health and the working environment.
Resolution nº. 105/24, of September 11 - Approves, for ratification, the accession of the Republic of Angola to Convention nº. 161 on Occupational Health Services. Under the terms of this Convention, the authority of each Member State must consult employers' and workers' organizations on the measures to be adopted to implement the provisions of this Convention. It also states that, depending on national conditions and practice, occupational health services may be organized by the companies or group of companies concerned, by the public authorities or official services, by the Social Security Institute or by any competent authority. Also under the terms of the Convention, the occupational health service provider must not be subordinate to the employer whose workers are under his care.
Resolution nº. 106/24 of September 12 - Approves, for ratification, the accession of the Republic of Angola to Convention nº. 161 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. According to this Convention, every Member State must establish a minimum age for domestic workers that cannot be lower than the minimum age established for workers in general. Furthermore, every Member State must adopt measures to ensure that domestic workers enjoy effective protection against forms of abuse, harassment and violence. Also according to the Convention, every Member State must adopt measures to ensure equal treatment between domestic workers and workers in general with regard to normal working hours, compensation for overtime, daily and weekly rest periods and paid annual leave. Also according to the Convention, every Member State must establish complaint mechanisms and effective and accessible means to ensure compliance with the law.
Presidential Decree nº. 197/24, of September 6 - Approves the Opening of Supplementary Credit, which entered into force on the date of its publication. This decree approves the opening of credit in the amount of Kz. 4 479 218 686.38 (four thousand, four hundred and seventy-nine million, two hundred and eighteen thousand, six hundred and eighty-six Kwanzas and thirty-eight cents) to cover the operating and investment costs of the office of the Vice-President of the Republic.
Presidential Order nº. 203/24 of September 3 - Entered into force on September 4. The order authorizes the signing of the Financing Agreement between the Republic of Angola and the World Bank, for a total amount of USD 300,000,000.00 (three hundred million United States dollars), for Angola's Digital Acceleration Project. To this end, the Minister of Finance was authorized, with the power to sub-delegate, to sign the said Agreement and all the documentation related to it, in the name and representation of the Republic of Angola.
Presidential Order nº. 206/24 of September 6 - Entered into force on September 7. This Presidential Order authorizes the signing of an Export Credit Agreement and a Commercial Agreement between the Republic of Angola and the Société Générale Financial Institution. The Export Credit Agreement, with a total value of €189,988,694.00 (one hundred and eighty-nine million, nine hundred and eighty-eight thousand, six hundred and ninety-four euros) refers to the financing of 85% of the value of the commercial contract for the project to implement the earth observation satellite (ANGOSAT-3). The Commercial Credit Agreement, with a total value of €35,268,507.00 (thirty-five million, two hundred and sixty-eight thousand, five hundred and seven euros), is intended to finance the down payment of the above-mentioned contract. The Minister of Finance was authorized, with the power to sub-delegate, to sign these Agreements and all the documentation related to them, in the name and representation of the Republic of Angola.
Presidential Order nº. 207/24 of September 6 - Entered into force on the day following its publication. The aforementioned decree authorizes the signing of the Framework Agreement between the Republic of Angola and Gemcorp, for a total amount of USD 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion United States dollars), to finance the implementation of structuring projects and programmes in the Water Sector. The Minister of Finance was authorized, with the power to sub-delegate, to sign the aforementioned Framework Agreement and all the documentation related to it, in the name and representation of the Republic of Angola.
Presidential Order nº. 219/24 of September 6 - Entered into force on September 7 and revokes Presidential Order no. 226/19 of December 9. The decree creates the Interministerial Commission for the Coordination, Implementation and Evaluation of the National Human Capital Development Plan, coordinated by the Vice-President of the Republic and made up of various ministries and other entities listed in the decree. The Commission has a number of duties, including: supporting the Head of the Executive Branch in matters related to education, staff training, science and technology, promoting the creation of an integrated information and management system for education and training provision. The Interministerial Commission meets quarterly under the guidance of the Coordinator and annually under the guidance of the Head of the Executive Branch.
Joint Executive Decree nº. 12/24 of September 10 - Approves the Rules and Procedures Required for the Supply of Quartz Mineral to Industry for Processing and Transformation, Laboratory Analysis and Issuance of Export Bills. Entered into force on the date of its publication. Under the terms of the aforementioned decree, the supply of quartz mineral to industry, as well as the export of metallic silicon or metallurgical grade silicon and polycrystalline silicon or polysilicon, is carried out by the holder of mining rights for the exploitation of quartz mineral and by the entities that acquire the mineral from the holders of mining rights for the exploitation of said mineral.
Rectification nº. 5/24 of September 12 - Rectifies Article 1(1) of Presidential Decree no. 152/24 of July 17, which sets the amount of the National Minimum Wage, to read as follows:“The minimum sum of pecuniary income that must be paid to a worker for work performed or services rendered during the period of one month is fixed at Kz: 70,000.00 (seventy thousand Kwanzas)”.
Rectification nº. 6/24 of September 12 - Rectifies no. 1 of article 15 of Presidential Decree nº. 171/24, of July 23, which approves the Special Career Regime for Environmental Conservation Area Inspection Officials and Agents and sets the amount of the National Minimum Wage, to read as follows:“All officials linked to this Institution who are covered by the General Regime of Public Administration are integrated into the Special Career of Officials and Agents for the Inspection of Environmental Conservation Areas”.
Directive n.º 05/24 of September 13 - Establishes the Foreign Currency Purchase Operations of Banking Financial Institutions from Companies in the Oil and Diamond Sectors on the BLOOMBERG FXGO Platform, which came into force the day after its publication. This directive stipulates that Banking Financial Institutions must immediately pass on 30% (thirty percent) of the entire amount acquired in foreign currency purchase operations to the oil and diamond sectors on the interbank market, with a maximum of 3 transactions per counterparty in the same week.
CCircular Letter n.º 04/24, of September 26 - Aimed at banking financial institutions, it came into force on the date of its publication. This Circular Letter informs Banking Financial Institutions that the reporting of 10% of the Foreign Exchange Position established in Notice no. 13/2022, of May 4, refers to daily operations carried out up to the close of the day.